LEED & Estidama Consultant in Dubai, UAE
Sustainable Engineering Services
Sustainability design seeks to reduce negative impacts on the environment and health and comfort of building occupants, thereby improving building performance. The basic objectives of sustainability are to reduce consumption of non-renewable resources, minimize waste, and create healthy, productive environments.
Sustainable design is being adopted globally which are being assessed based on certain rating system developed by global body or respective local bodies. Dubai has its own sustainability rating system called Al Sa’fat alongside of EHS, Estidama.
Conserve which has executed wide number of projects in sustainability especially in middle east region of Dubai and Qatar offers sustainability services in all the relevant Sustainable rating system like LEED, Al Sa’fat, EHS, Estidama, Pearl and GSAS etc., Conserve Sustainability division is teamed up with well experienced staff exclusively in sustainability rating and Green Building certification.

Our Sustainability Engineering Services Include:
- We offer the following Sustainability rating system
- LEED – Leadership in Energy & Environment Development
- EHS – Tahreek, Environmental Health & Safety
- Estidama
- Al Sa'fat
- We facilitate the project from registration to the final certification
- We provide service to all range of Projects irrespective of type and scale
- Services provided for both new and existing buildings
Following are the International Standards we follow
- ASHRAE 90.1 – Energy
- ASHRAE 62.1 – Ventilation
- ASHRAE 55 – Thermal Comfort
- IESNA, BS EN 12464-12011 – Lighting calculation
- Energy Conservation Building Code – Energy
- Bureau of Energy Efficiency